Programs & Services/
Tower Hill

For information on the referral process or about Tower Hill in general,
please contact our Program Director Ruby Figueroa.
Tower Hill Recovery Home is a licensed Residential Rehabilitation Co-Occurring Enhanced (RRS/COE) program. The program provides treatment for individuals with both a substance use disorder and moderate to severe mental health disorder who can benefit from a safe, structured, and developmentally appropriate environment and are stable enough upon admission to benefit from this level of care. This is a 16-bed RRS/COE program designed to meet the unique and often unmet needs of male adults, 18+ who are diagnosed with substance use disorder and moderate to severe mental illness. Tower Hill Recovery Home is located in Lawrence, MA.
Based on a social model, treatment encompasses:
integrated pharmacotherapy for mental health and addiction
Individual and group counseling
Case management
Advocacy, psycho-educational groups
HIV/AIDS prevention and education
Supported daily living within a culture of recovery
Referrals for medical and mental health services, vocational training, and securing transitional and permanent housing
Tower Hill
Lawrence, MA 01841
Phone: 978-655-8752
Fax: 978-984-7756