Ambulatory Care/
OUI Programs

Ambulatory Care
OUI Programs
Lowell House provides two structured programs for OUI, Massachusetts Impaired Driving (SOA) and Second Offender After Care (SOA). Each of these programs are clinically designed to educate clients on the dangers of driving under the influence while addressing current and past substance use. These programs are approved by the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS) for first and second-offender OUI convictions in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Impaired Driving (MID)
Program receives referrals from the Court System or the Department of Motor Vehicles for individuals with a first offense DUI or OUI. First Offender participants undergo a court-mandated sixteen-week group education program designed to both educate them about the dangers of driving under the influence while helping them explore their current substance use.
Second Offender Aftercare (SOA)
Our SOA program is a year-long individualized treatment program that incorporates a combination of individual and group sessions aimed to address current or past substance abuse and/or addiction in a therapeutic setting. Clinicians, as well as the Coordinator for this program, correspond frequently with courts, probation, and/or the Department of Motor Vehicles as is required by the participant.