Programs & Services/
Glenice Sheehan Women’s Recovery Home

For information on the referral process or about Glenice Sheehan Women’s Recovery Home in general, please contact our Program Director Jackie Taylor.
The Glenice Sheehan Women's Recovery Home is an innovative and unique residential program serving chronic substance abusing women 18 years and older. It promotes a true “social model” of graduated care, designed to return women to complete, sober functioning. Participants are prompted to return to their community as contributing members of their communities, oftentimes reconnecting with their estranged friends and family. The average length of stay is 6 months.
Based on a social model, treatment encompasses:
Individual and group counseling
Case management
Advocacy, psycho-educational groups
HIV/AIDS prevention and education
Supported daily living within a culture of recovery
Referrals for medical and mental health services, vocational training, and securing transitional and permanent housing
The Glenice Sheehan Women's Program
Tewksbury, MA, 01876
Phone: 978-640-0840
Fax: 978-640-1708