About Us/
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Substance use disorder is a complex, compulsive disease. When any type of compulsive disorder begins to interfere with the quality of life or your overall health and welfare, you may need help. The following websites have detailed answers to this question with potential resources for taking that next step.
Privacy is a high priority to our professional and support staff. They are all trained in the rules and regulations governing privacy in health care organizations referred to as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). In addition, all LHI employees sign a confidentiality statement and records are stored in a locked cabinet in a secure record room. If you feel that your privacy has been violated, please ask to speak to the Human Rights Officer at your program location.
Yes, but we strongly recommend that the first step is to make an appointment with one of our case managers to determine the correct level of care needed and plan out an effective course of action.
Wait times vary depending on programs. Our ambulatory care programs have a one to two-week wait before being seen by a highly skilled therapist. The residential programs average one to two months. Each program has an application to begin the referral process.
Our case management, treatment and residential staff are all familiar with a variety of community resources, including housing and employment. We have a number of community partners that specialize in support services and help to assess needs and place clients in the most effective program.
Our partners include:
MassHire Lowell Career Center
Community Teamwork
Coalition for a Better Acre
The Lowell Housing Authority
Mass Rehab Commission
The Lowell Transitional Living Center
Lowell Community Health Center
Mental Health Association of Greater Lowell
Merrimack Valley Food Bank
Please refer for our Helpful Resources for additional information.
Have a question that is not covered here? Contact Us by email or via phone (978) 459-8656 and our team will be happy to help.