About Us/
Organization - Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan
“Leading the way to a life of recovery by providing comprehensive, compassionate and innovative addiction services to all people of all ages”
— Lowell House Vision Statement 2024
“Lowell House Inc. offers comprehensive and compassionate addiction-related services that aim to strengthen our community by rebuilding lives.”
- Lowell House Inc. Mission Statement 2023
In the spring of 2023, Board members and staff began the task of developing a vision and strategic plan for the upcoming three years. The challenge was enormous – how to blend a well-rooted, supportive, caring culture with the increasing demands of the behavioral health, managed-care world. With addictions reaching epidemic proportions in the Greater Lowell area, the issue of not just surviving but growing to meet the demands became the central theme. A new and exciting vision for Lowell House Inc. was developed with a powerful vision statement and, finally, four overarching goals to help guide the organization through 2029. A Vision for the Future “Leading the way to a life of recovery by providing comprehensive, compassionate and innovative addiction services to all people of all ages.”
A Vision for the future – LHI will provide:
Coordinated mental health and addictions services;
Evidence-based, cutting edge practices;
Additional housing – more options and beds;
Additional sources of public and private funds that support an investment in quality services;
Staff training that assures personal and professional growth of the LHATR workforce;
Increased community education and prevention
Community leadership in addictions and recovery
A broader and better developed service continuum though collaboration;
Provide a full range of age-appropriate services to meet the evolving need of the community;
A comprehensive approach to the treatment of trauma
Overarching Goals - 2024-2029
Create a full-scale development program that results in additional discretionary funds of $300,000 - $500,000 per year. – Funds that can be used for growth of services to meet community needs.
Achieve CARF accreditation - The Council on Accreditation of Rehab Facilities will measure LHATR against national standards.
Develop additional sober living opportunities. – Broaden the continuum of services with sober congregate and apartment options
Assess building and real estate needs and implement plan(s) – Replace aging or inadequate facilities and meet future needs.